For some people the idea of going “no contact” whilst great in theory, just cannot be applied in their individual case.
Some share custody of children with an NPD former spouse, some people have to work with NPDs and so on.
There is very little advice out there on how to manage contact
with an NPD type that allows us to:
- Understand what it is that is DRIVING your thoughts and beliefs
- Learn the process of CALIBRATING your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
- Get your sense of self back again!
- Change your SUBCONSCIOUS beliefs today!

1. avoid breaking down over time (we know that NPDs are masters of “button pushing” provocative communication that can inflame
the emotional flashbacks of those with CPTSD )
– this breakdown doesnt serve us and of course can fit the narrative of the NPD that “you were the crazy one all along”
2. take back control of our emotional and psychological states, so instead of being “led by the nose” into whatever emotional reaction the NPD chooses, we can feel good and confident controlling the sovereignty of our own emotional state.
3. let the narcissist get what they want (this is tricky but it is possible if you know the right techniques) so they feel fed without giving any of yourself away
4. get the NPD to move along without inflicting narcissistic injury and inviting the narcissistic rage revenge strategies that will inevitably follow
The reason there is so little advice is because, quite frankly this is a very hard set of objectives to achieve!
- So I’ve spent the last few months developing tools and tactics that will give you or anyone who wants this information the ability to do all of the above and start directing the flow of the communication with an NPD without them knowing.
If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Summoning The Self Course, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.